5 Sectors of Economy

Economy Sectors

The economic activity that arises due to the intellectual and physical activities of human beings enables man to generate income. Classified into activities of the Primary sector, Secondary sector, Tertiary sector, Quaternary sector and Quinary sector etc. economic activity under these activities of the economy directly or indirectly affects the economic activities of the world, within this economic activity of a country. Business sector activities, domestic sector activities and consumption, production and distribution of goods and services in the use of resources by the state are included, various classified categories of these economic activities are studied as follows.

primary, secondary and tertiary sectors examples
sectors of economy meaning


1. Primary sector of economy

The economic activities through human labour are directly dependent on the natural, the use of resources from nature is included under the primary sector. By using those resources present in the earth, we can determine the economic activities of the primary sector, the use of natural resources present in the earth such as land, air, water, vegetation or materials and minerals made from nature are included under this economic activity. The activities of the primary sector include agricultural work by human labour, hunting, gathering of natural resources, domestic activity, fisheries, mining, animal husbandry and naturally related activities, economic activities of the primary sector. Human labour engaged in the job is marked as a "red collar job" because it shows low level of human skill development.


2. Secondary sector of economy

The sector of the economy in which the economic activity involves the manufacture of high and efficient goods using resources from the primary sector, i.e., high resource sectors using raw materials originating from the resources from the primary sector. The development is to be developed through industrialization, with the aim of increasing the value of materials made from natural resources by converting the raw materials from the primary sector into valuable products, this is called a high quality sector than the primary sector. Is. Under the economic activities of the second sector, mainly the manufacturing sector is included, the automobile industry, iron steel industry, textile industry, electrical and electronics industry, food processing industry etc. are included under the manufacturing sector. Because the development of these industries is driven by the raw materials obtained from the natural, such as the raw materials from agriculture, crops like sugarcane, cotton, paddy, millet etc., in the same way the raw materials from the earth like iron ore, aluminium, bauxite, copper Like many minerals, from which industries are made. The economic activities of the secondary sector are mainly included directly or indirectly under manufacturing activities, for this reason the economic activities of the secondary sector are also called as industrial sector, those working in the economic activities of the secondary sector are high. Skilled workers are placed under "white collar jobs". But workers participating in the production process are placed under "blue collar jobs", as such workers are less skilled.


3. Tertiary sector of economy

Economic activities are included under the Tertiary sector of the economy, which includes both production and exchange, the production sector includes the provision of those services, so that many facilities are available to human beings and human can enjoy them. For example, administrative services, insurance, financial, real estate activities, commercial services for social work, medical, transportation, education, tourism, trade and communication facilities, personal services, etc. are included under the economic activity of the Tertiary sector. . Tertiary sector economic activity is also known as the service sector, as this sector uses high skill development human labour, placing skilled workers in tertiary sector economic activity under "white collar jobs".


4. Quaternary sector of economy

The workers of the economic activities of the Quaternary sector are directly or indirectly dependent on the activities of nature, such workers influence the economy of the large market and large economic activities. Quaternary sector economic activities include those in the tertiary sector making specific contributions to the knowledge sector, activities in the quaternary sector are arranged on the basis of demand for different classifications, showing high skill development. Under the economic activities of the Quaternary region, information-based services, management services, highly skilled labour services, consultants, software development and more quality work and consumer services are ranked under it. Quaternary sector activities include office buildings, accounting activity, cinema, school and university classroom facilities, hospital facilities, high-skilled doctors' offices and high-skilled workers working in brokerage forms. is included in. This service sector is also known as "white collar job", because the number of people in it i.e. all the human labour employed are all human labour with high skill development.


5. Quinary sector of economy

The quinary sector is an area of ​​economic activity that includes the tertiary sector and the quaternary sector to create this sector to meet high-skilled and high-quality needs, for example through the implementation of efficient schemes under this sector. creating new ideas, establishing rearrangements, new discoveries, inventions, lecturers and professors, use and evaluation of new and advanced technology etc. The human labour involved in the economic activities of the quinary sector includes high-paid, high officials, legal advisors, research persons, intellectuals, financial advisors, persons of high skill and quality. The economic activity of the quinary sector helps in the development and structure of an advanced economy, the economic activity of this sector also involves high policy making, high law making, high decision making etc. Persons providing human labour working in the activities of the quinary sector are known as the "Golden Collar Profession".

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