Secondary sector of the economy is also called the industrial sector because industrial activities are very important in this economy. Through this we can assess the growth and prosperity of this sector of the economy due to many economic activities in countries around the world. Many important events take place in the country in which development gradually increases in many areas like prosperity, employment, technological social progress and education. In the second sector of the economy, raw materials from the primary sector are used and a final product is made from it through deindustrialization, from which a new product is born. The second sector of the economy is very important. It involves many complex things and serves to show the higher challenges and future prospects of the economy so as to promote economic, social and cultural development of any country.
Secondary Sector Of The Economy |
What is in the secondary sector?
The secondary sector works as a bridge between the primary and tertiary sectors through economic production, through which we are able to utilize the raw materials coming out of the primary sector and convert them into final products and utilize them in a better way. Are there. Whenever we talk about the secondary sector, it works to bridge the gap that arises between the primary and tertiary sector. The secondary sector includes many industries like construction, manufacturing, energy production, textile industry, steel industry, cement industry. It has utility in various fields. By using the raw materials of the primary sector, we materialize a commodity by technologically and industrializing it and by changing its physical structure we give it a final product which is called the secondary sector. Through the secondary sector, work is done to transform the industrial power and value addition capabilities of any nation and make it capable, so that through the secondary sector, along with the economic activities of any nation, other social and cultural areas can also be facilitated.
Importance of secondary sector
Importance of secondary sector, It is very important to assess the secondary sector in the economy. Whenever we assess the secondary sector we are able to better know its important characteristics, which is responsible for showing the growth, prosperity and growth rate in the economy. However, the importance of the secondary sector is much greater. Which becomes very important for the development of the economy.
Economic growth and growth rate: If we talk about the secondary sector, we first assess the conditions that help in accelerating economic growth by increasing the value of raw materials produced in the primary sector and increasing productivity. Which tells us that industrialization and growth rate for economic development acts as a special identity of the secondary sector due to which we see its significant contribution in the development of any country. Whenever we assess the economic growth and development rate in the secondary sector, it is rapid economic growth. And it serves to show the positive impact and importance of improving the living standards of humans as well as the economic sector of the country, thereby enabling us to better assess the development and capabilities of the country through industries. Which will further the development and economic growth rate established in any country.
Employment Generation: Secondary sector contributes significantly in employment generation, it also plays an important role in employment generation. When the country's industrialization and technology increases, the amount of employment generation in the country will also increase continuously. The second sector of the economy, manufacturing and industrial activities, provides employment at various skill levels. People with different skills and abilities constantly strive to enhance their skills and try to fulfil various jobs arising in the secondary sector. In the secondary sector many engineers, workers, technicians and people with different skills strive to continuously raise their level. Which continuously creates employment in many sectors and helps in achieving better conditions, thereby continuously improving the economic condition of the people of the country and increasing the standard of living of those people. Plays an important role in reducing unemployment and poverty of the country.
Increase in advancement in the technological sector: The second sector of the economy, the second sector of the economy, is experiencing continuous growth in the technological sector due to the growth in the industrial sector as well as continuous work in the use of technology, leading to continuous technological advancement in communication and efficiency. The second area, which allows us to better dimension and use. In today's time, automation, robotics and digitalization have brought a new revolution in the production of industrial sector, due to which there has been a continuous increase in the quality of production in the industrial sector and a continuous increase in the quality and efficiency of production among different cities of the country. It is happening. Due to competition it serves to show dimension and quality. The more technology and digitalization are used in other sectors of the economy, the better quality products can be produced in less time, which will continuously increase the technical capability as well as quality capability of those products. The country's economic growth, economic prosperity and standard of living will also continue to improve, as will the infrastructure in the construction and manufacturing sector through technological advancement.
Increase in export sector: Different countries continuously work on developing their industrial capacities by producing goods for both domestic consumption and export markets to develop their secondary sector, which leads to the development of a variety of industrial sectors in the country. And from this, many types of goods are produced as final products. Materials are manufactured which are exported to many countries and in exchange for exports, foreign exchange is imported from other countries. The secondary sector plays an important role in the trade balance and global economic activities with various countries, for example, China, United States of America, India, Russia, European Union. Since many countries are continuously increasing their industrial development and continuously increasing their foreign exchange reserves by selling their final products to different countries, due to which the economic prosperity and growth rate of those countries is continuously increasing, then it can be said that The export potential of any country continuously improves due to the production and quality of the secondary sector of the economy.
Increase in infrastructure development: Whenever we talk about secondary sector in the economy it always helps in playing an important role in making any nation better prosperous and developed. Secondary sector through its industrialization and technological The second sector of the economy plays an important role in developing the nation. The second sector of the economy plays an important role in developing infrastructure through construction, manufacturing and construction projects. The second sector of the economy plays an important role in facilitating connectivity along with broader economic development. It plays an important role, for example, it works to connect a small town with a big city, it works to connect a village with a big city, it works to connect one country with another country. There can be many examples like all roads, networks and airways which help in enhancing the economic development of any country by increasing the development of infrastructure.